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77 items

espruino/Espruino (⭐ 2557)

The Espruino JavaScript interpreter - Official Repo (C)

facebook/hermes (⭐ 7790)

A JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native. (C++)

google/closure-compiler (⭐ 6801)

A JavaScript checker and optimizer. (Java)

krausest/js-framework-benchmark (⭐ 5364)

A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks (JavaScript)

nodejs/undici (⭐ 4633)

An HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js (JavaScript)

Samsung/escargot (⭐ 118)

Escargot is a memory optimized JavaScript engine for mid-range devices such as mobile phone, tablet and TV. (C++)

tc39/test262 (⭐ 1998)

Official ECMAScript Conformance Test Suite (JavaScript)

vitest-dev/vitest (⭐ 8499)

A Vite-native test framework. It's fast! (TypeScript)

Brooooooklyn/canvas (⭐ 1200)

High performance skia binding to Node.js. Zero system dependencies and pure npm packages without any postinstall scripts nor node-gyp. (Rust)

tree-sitter/tree-sitter-javascript (⭐ 219)

Javascript grammar for tree-sitter (JavaScript)

tc39/proposal-temporal (⭐ 2744)

Provides standard objects and functions for working with dates and times. (HTML)

tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator (⭐ 6933)

A proposal for adding a useful pipe operator to JavaScript. (HTML)

tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers (⭐ 1024)

Methods for working with iterators in ECMAScript (HTML)

state-adapt/state-adapt (⭐ 112)

Declarative, incremental state management library (TypeScript)

Moddable-OpenSource/moddable (⭐ 1072)

Tools for developers to create truly open IoT products using standard JavaScript on low cost microcontrollers. (C)

load1n9/caviar (⭐ 106)

Blazing fast, modern, Game Engine powered by WebGPU for Deno and the browser (TypeScript)

ldapjs/node-ldapjs (⭐ 1482)

LDAP Client and Server API for node.js (JavaScript)

kaleidawave/ezno (⭐ 701)

A JavaScript compiler and TypeScript checker written in Rust with a focus on static analysis and runtime performance (Rust)

dudykr/stc (⭐ 4609)

Speedy TypeScript type checker (Rust)

DelSkayn/rquickjs (⭐ 190)

High level bindings to the quickjs javascript engine (Rust)

denysdovhan/wtfjs (⭐ 30513)

A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples (JavaScript)

es-meta/esmeta (⭐ 120)

ECMAScript Specification (ECMA-262) Metalanguage (Scala)

google/closure-compiler-npm (⭐ 321)

Package for managing and documenting closure-compiler for use via npm (JavaScript)

google/zx (⭐ 36854)

A tool for writing better scripts (JavaScript)

jsdom/jsdom (⭐ 18623)

A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js (JavaScript)

bevacqua/dragula (⭐ 21483)

Drag and drop so simple it hurts (JavaScript)

neon-bindings/neon (⭐ 7099)

Rust bindings for writing safe and fast native Node.js modules. (Rust)

nginx/njs (⭐ 665)

An official read-only mirror of which is updated hourly. (C)

saghul/txiki.js (⭐ 1891)

A tiny JavaScript runtime (C)

tc39/ecma262 (⭐ 14011)

Status, process, and documents for ECMA-262 (HTML)

tc39/proposal-import-attributes (⭐ 389)

Proposal for syntax to import ES modules with assertions (HTML)

whatwg/fetch (⭐ 1978)

Fetch Standard (HTML)

acornjs/acorn (⭐ 9247)

A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser (JavaScript)

beautify-web/js-beautify (⭐ 8065)

Beautifier for javascript (JavaScript)

denolib/awesome-deno (⭐ 3938)

Curated list of awesome things related to Deno ()

developit/unfetch (⭐ 5529)

Bare minimum 500b fetch polyfill. (JavaScript)

dinerojs/dinero.js (⭐ 5871)

Create, calculate, and format money in JavaScript and TypeScript. (TypeScript)

ds300/patch-package (⭐ 8394)

Fix broken node modules instantly 🏃🏽‍♀️ (TypeScript)

dsherret/dax (⭐ 270)

Cross platform shell tools for Deno inspired by zx. (TypeScript)

engine262/engine262 (⭐ 671)

An implementation of ECMA-262 in JavaScript (JavaScript)

jslint-org/jslint (⭐ 3560)

JSLint, The JavaScript Code Quality and Coverage Tool (JavaScript)

lukeed/clsx (⭐ 4848)

A tiny (228B) utility for constructing `className` strings conditionally. (JavaScript)

pastelsky/bundlephobia (⭐ 7836)

Find out the cost of adding a new frontend dependency to your project (JavaScript)

tc39/proposal-change-array-by-copy (⭐ 438)

Provides additional methods on Array.prototype and TypedArray.prototype to enable changes on the array by returning a new copy of it with the change. (HTML)

vercel/micro (⭐ 10375)

Asynchronous HTTP microservices (TypeScript)

devsnek/esvu (⭐ 142)

esvu is your one-stop shop for all implementations of ECMAScript. (JavaScript)

estree/estree (⭐ 4521)

The ESTree Spec ()

inexorabletash/jslogo (⭐ 342)

Logo in JavaScript (JavaScript)

tc39/proposal-pattern-matching (⭐ 4718)

Pattern matching syntax for ECMAScript (HTML)

tc39/proposal-record-tuple (⭐ 2232)

ECMAScript proposal for the Record and Tuple value types. | Stage 2: it will change! (HTML)

tc39/proposal-string-dedent (⭐ 520)

TC39 Proposal to remove common leading indentation from multiline template strings (HTML)

tc39/proposal-type-annotations (⭐ 3300)

ECMAScript proposal for type syntax that is erased - Stage 1 (JavaScript)

stuartlangridge/sorttable (⭐ 89)

JavaScript client-side sortable tables (JavaScript)

atlassian-labs/compiled (⭐ 1835)

A familiar and performant compile time CSS-in-JS library for React. (TypeScript)

ccxvii/mujs (⭐ 705)

An embeddable Javascript interpreter in C. (C)

just-js/just (⭐ 3040)

a very small v8 javascript runtime for linux only (JavaScript)

cyclejs/cyclejs (⭐ 10216)

A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code (TypeScript)

bellard/quickjs (⭐ 5811)

Public repository of the QuickJS Javascript Engine. Pull requests are not accepted. Use the mailing list to submit patches. (C)

shajunxing/quickjs-ffi (⭐ 51)

libffi wrapper for quickjs (C)

rslint/rslint (⭐ 2555)

A (WIP) Extremely fast JavaScript and TypeScript linter and Rust crate (Rust)

svaarala/duktape (⭐ 5537)

Duktape - embeddable Javascript engine with a focus on portability and compact footprint (JavaScript)

elsaland/elsa (⭐ 2749)

Elsa is a minimal runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript written in Go (TypeScript)

brianleroux/wtfjs (⭐ 1375)! (JavaScript)

cesanta/mjs (⭐ 1725)

Embedded JavaScript engine for C/C++ (C)

vercel/turbo (⭐ 20453)

Incremental bundler and build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust – including Turbopack and Turborepo. (Rust)

gfwilliams/tiny-js (⭐ 458)

Automatically exported from (C++)

hazae41/xswr (⭐ 91)

Yet another React data (re)fetching library (TypeScript)

jmaister/excellentexport (⭐ 1301)

Javascript export to Excel (TypeScript)

mck89/peast (⭐ 146)

JavaScript parser written in PHP that generates AST from your code according to ECMAScript specification (PHP)

NerdLang/nerd (⭐ 3417)

Javascript's God Mode. No VM. No Bytecode. No GC. Just native binaries. (C++)

pvdz/tenko (⭐ 503)

An 100% spec compliant ES2021 JavaScript parser written in JS (JavaScript)

ota-meshi/eslint-plugin-regexp (⭐ 204)

ESLint plugin for finding regex mistakes and style guide violations. (TypeScript)

tc39/proposal-structs (⭐ 144)

JavaScript Structs: Fixed Layout Objects ()

richardanaya/ (⭐ 151)

JavaScript-WebAssembly interop library for Rust. (Rust)

GoogleChrome/lighthouse (⭐ 26271)

Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web. (JavaScript)

mdubourg001/ssgo (⭐ 173)

The minimalistic but flexible static site generator for Deno . (TypeScript)

apache/echarts (⭐ 54632)

Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser (TypeScript)