75 items
trekhleb/javascript-algorithms (⭐ 165622)
Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings (JavaScript)
acl-org/acl-anthology (⭐ 256)
Data and software for building the ACL Anthology. (Python)
kyren/gc-arena (⭐ 167)
Experimental system for rust garbage collection (Rust)
p-org/P (⭐ 2711)
The P programming language. (C#)
rayon-rs/rayon (⭐ 8380)
Rayon: A data parallelism library for Rust (Rust)
revng/revng (⭐ 696)
revng: the core repository of the rev.ng project (C++)
rust-lang/miri (⭐ 3117)
An interpreter for Rust's mid-level intermediate representation (Rust)
unicode-org/icu (⭐ 1887)
The home of the ICU project source code. (C++)
VcDevel/std-simd (⭐ 472)
std::experimental::simd for GCC [ISO/IEC TS 19570:2018] (C++)
microsoft/pyright (⭐ 9959)
Static Type Checker for Python (Python)
natalie-lang/natalie (⭐ 774)
a unique Ruby implementation, compiled to C++ (WIP) (Ruby)
kostya/benchmarks (⭐ 2546)
Some benchmarks of different languages (Makefile)
lu-zero/cargo-c (⭐ 360)
build and install C-compatible libraries (Rust)
extism/extism (⭐ 1830)
The Universal Plug-in System. Extend anything with WebAssembly (wasm). (Rust)
google/starlark-go (⭐ 1883)
Starlark in Go: the Starlark configuration language, implemented in Go (Go)
hanabi1224/Programming-Language-Benchmarks (⭐ 386)
Yet another implementation of computer language benchmarks game (C#)
rossberg/hamlet (⭐ 99)
SML reference interpreter (Standard ML)
rotty/lexpr-rs (⭐ 129)
Rust Lisp expression parser and serializer (Rust)
rust-lang/compiler-team (⭐ 329)
A home for compiler team planning documents, meeting minutes, and other such things. (HTML)
smoltcp-rs/smoltcp (⭐ 2943)
a smol tcp/ip stack (Rust)
Dhghomon/easy_rust (⭐ 7444)
Rust explained using easy English (Shell)
google/rune (⭐ 1903)
Rune is a programming language developed to test ideas for improving security and efficiency. (C)
goplus/gop (⭐ 8424)
The Go+ programming language is designed for engineering, STEM education, and data science. (Go)
johnsonjh/duma (⭐ 63)
duma: Detect Unintended Memory Access (D.U.M.A.) - A Red-Zone memory allocator (C)
lifting-bits/remill (⭐ 960)
Library for lifting machine code to LLVM bitcode (C++)
pfsense/pfsense (⭐ 4125)
Main repository for pfSense (PHP)
racketscript/racketscript (⭐ 653)
Racket to JavaScript Compiler (Racket)
rui314/chibicc (⭐ 7306)
A small C compiler (C)
sagiegurari/duckscript (⭐ 385)
Simple, extendable and embeddable scripting language. (Rust)
seankross/the-unix-workbench (⭐ 1211)
A Book for Anyone to Get Started with Unix (CSS)
simd-lite/simd-json (⭐ 797)
Rust port of simdjson (Rust)
adonovan/gopl.io (⭐ 6805)
Example programs from "The Go Programming Language" (Go)
ericdrowell/BigOCheatSheet (⭐ 1005)
EtchedPixels/FUZIX (⭐ 1928)
FuzixOS: Because Small Is Beautiful (C)
illumos/illumos-gate (⭐ 1334)
An open-source Unix operating system (C)
johnthagen/min-sized-rust (⭐ 5297)
How to minimize Rust binary size (Rust)
smlhelp/book (⭐ 20)
deployment for smlhelp page (TeX)
heroku/12factor (⭐ 3368)
Veykril/tlborm (⭐ 407)
The Little Book of Rust Macros (updated fork) (HTML)
hydromatic/morel (⭐ 278)
Standard ML interpreter, with relational extensions, implemented in Java (Java)
rtr7/router7 (⭐ 2544)
router7 is a small home internet router completely written in Go. It is implemented as a gokrazy appliance. (Go)
rswier/c4 (⭐ 8067)
C in four functions (C)
Harvey-OS/harvey (⭐ 1431)
A distributed operating system (C)
dominikh/go-tools (⭐ 5288)
Staticcheck - The advanced Go linter (Go)
gokrazy/rsync (⭐ 371)
gokrazy rsync (Go)
sifive/freedom-e-sdk (⭐ 545)
Open Source Software for Developing on the Freedom E Platform (C)
EnzymeAD/Enzyme (⭐ 925)
High-performance automatic differentiation of LLVM and MLIR. (LLVM)
mortdeus/legacy-cc (⭐ 3498)
The earliest versions of the very first c compiler known to exist in the wild written by the late legend himself dmr. (C)
troglobit/mg (⭐ 256)
Micro (GNU) Emacs-like text editor public-domain (C)
inferno-os/inferno-os (⭐ 140)
Inferno® is a distributed operating system. Inferno represents services and resources in a file-like name hierarchy, including devices, network and protocol interfaces, dynamic data sources, and se… (C)
Eelis/cxxdraft-htmlgen (⭐ 125)
Generates http://eel.is/c++draft (Haskell)
arclanguage/anarki (⭐ 1131)
Community-managed fork of the Arc dialect of Lisp; for commit privileges submit a pull request. (Arc)
c3d/xl (⭐ 218)
A minimalist, general-purpose programming language based on meta-programming and parse tree rewrites (C++)
jserv/unix-v1 (⭐ 174)
Restoration of 1st Edition UNIX kernel sources from Bell Laboratories (C)
DoctorWkt/unix-jun72 (⭐ 82)
The working source code to PDP-11 Unix from 1972. (Assembly)
hanickadot/cthash (⭐ 135)
constexpr implementation of SHA-2 and SHA-3 family of hashes (C++)
Ixrec/rust-orphan-rules (⭐ 130)
An unofficial, experimental place for documenting and gathering feedback on the design problems around Rust's orphan rules ()
mit-pdos/biscuit (⭐ 2141)
Biscuit research OS (Go)
nindalf/arewefastyet (⭐ 19)
arewefastyet.rs - benchmarking the Rust compiler (Rust)
SMLFamily/Successor-ML (⭐ 182)
A version of the 1997 SML definition with corrections and some proposed Successor ML features added. (TeX)
susam/tucl (⭐ 342)
The first-ever paper on the Unix shell written by Ken Thompson in 1976 scanned, transcribed, and redistributed with permission (Makefile)
timbod7/adl (⭐ 199)
ADL (Algebraic Data Language) (C++)
ulid/spec (⭐ 6565)
The canonical spec for ulid ()
vlang/v (⭐ 33204)
Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation. https://vlang.io (V)
watson/awesome-computer-history (⭐ 2429)
An Awesome List of computer history videos, documentaries and related folklore ()
willghatch/racket-rash (⭐ 462)
The Reckless Racket Shell (Racket)
xoreaxeaxeax/sandsifter (⭐ 4714)
The x86 processor fuzzer (Python)
yue-best-practices/vpm (⭐ 31)
package manage for v (V)
hylang/hy (⭐ 4504)
A dialect of Lisp that's embedded in Python (Python)
pyston/pyston (⭐ 2375)
A faster and highly-compatible implementation of the Python programming language. (Python)
robpike/filter (⭐ 752)
Simple apply/filter/reduce package. (Go)
jimblandy/context-switch (⭐ 625)
Comparison of Rust async and Linux thread context switch time. (Rust)
phonologus/QED (⭐ 29)
UTF-8/Unicode-aware port of Rob Pike's QED editor for Unix (C)
SuperPaintman/the-evolution-of-a-go-programmer (⭐ 1150)
The Evolution of a Go Programmer (Go)
bazelbuild/starlark (⭐ 1729)
Starlark Language (Starlark)