Much information about Unix is available through it's manuals. The manuals are sometimes included with the operating system. Other books on the subject are available.
- 1971: Unix Programmer's Manual
- by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie
- 1st ed (from /usr/dmr/www)
- pipes and grep were not invented yet
- rebuilt as HTML and hosted on 9p server
- 7th ed
- Volume II, pulished 1983
- PDF scan with cover art depicting U N I X on a set of blocks
- 8th ed
- read more about the early documentation history
- 1979: The UNIX Programming Environment
- by Brian Kernighan and John Mashey
- 1981 Computer article
- an expanded 1984 edition was later published with Rob Pike as the co-author
- 1982: Introduction to the UNIX Operating System
- by Stephen M. Walters
- A mix of notes, standard man pages and assembly code
- 1997: UNIX For Beginners (2e) (alternate format) (HTML to PDF dump) (1e scan)
- by Brian Kernighan