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27 items

HackerN64/HackerSM64 (⭐ 168)

A Super Mario 64 decompilation repo based on CrashOveride95/ultrasm64 that aims to provide a flexible, easy-to-use base for creating romhacks. (C)

k4zmu2a/SpaceCadetPinball (⭐ 2489)

Decompilation of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet (C++)

n64decomp/mk64 (⭐ 303)

A speedy Mario Kart 64 decompilation, brought to you by the cousin of a tame racing driver. (C)

zeldaret/oot (⭐ 4023)

Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (C)

zeldaret/tp (⭐ 362)

Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN, USA) (Assembly)

zeldaret/tmc (⭐ 369)

Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (USA/JP/EU) (C)

zeldaret/mm (⭐ 716)

Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (C)

zeldaret/botw (⭐ 1066)

Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch 1.5.0) (C++)

CrashOveride95/ultrasm64 (⭐ 42)

Fork of the SM64 decomp that adds several quality-of-life patches (C)

jubalh/nudoku (⭐ 268)

ncurses based sudoku game (C)

sm64-port/sm64-port (⭐ 811)

A port of for modern devices. (C)

WolfireGames/overgrowth (⭐ 2215)

Open Source codebase of the game Overgrowth by Wolfire Games LLC (C++)

JMS55/sandbox (⭐ 255)

A sand simulation game (Rust)

sm64pc/sm64ex (⭐ 1362)

Fork of with additional features. (C)

zestydevy/dinosaur-planet (⭐ 136)

A WIP decompilation of Dinosaur Planet for the Nintendo 64 (C)

chocolate-doom/chocolate-doom (⭐ 1541)

Chocolate Doom is a Doom source port that is minimalist and historically accurate. (C)

jorio/Bugdom (⭐ 287)

Pangea Software's Bugdom for modern systems (C)

johnpayne-dev/MinecraftC (⭐ 255)

A Raytraced Minecraft Classic 0.0.30a port to C (C)

evanw/webgl-water (⭐ 873)

WebGL Water Demo (JavaScript)

cloudflare/doom-wasm (⭐ 207)

Chocolate Doom WebAssembly port with WebSockets support (C)

jesuisundev/acrossthemultiverse (⭐ 46)

An in-browser, freely explorable, 3D game across infinite universes procedurally generated. Go from universe to universe and discover the origin of everything. A four chapter story with an epic rev… (JavaScript)

legluondunet/MyLittleLutrisScripts (⭐ 196)

Lutris scripts for old games. (HTML)

richiecarmichael/Esri-Flight-Simulator (⭐ 25)

A basic flight simulator with four synchronized views. (JavaScript)

o2sh/teki (⭐ 63)

Touhou-style shoot'em up (Rust)

sunshinekitty/TwitchPlaysPokemon (⭐ 110)

A bot mimicking Twitch Plays Pokemon (Python)

alula/SpaceCadetPinball (⭐ 271)

Emscripten port of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet decompilation (C++)

floren/ching (⭐ 21)

4.4BSD's I Ching, slightly tweaked to be more friendly for modern Linux systems (C)